Never again Charlie, Isaiah and Alfie.

The Italian pro-life organisation, Steadfast Onlus, have published a note on their Facebook page about an event they held today in Rome, commemorating the lives of sick British children Charlie Gard, Isaiah Haastrup and of course, Alfie Evans and demonstrating about the mindset and culture which denies parents the rights to decide what is in their child’s best interests.

My Italian is rudimentary, hence I have just done a rough google translate of the page which can be found here.ù-charlie-isaiah-e-alfie-successo-per-la-manifestazione-romana/1747207865326146/ – but it’s definitely worth sharing, especially in the light of the repeated demonisation of the supposed ‘extremist’ Christian organisations who have advocated so hard for these parents, when nobody else would.

The Italians put us in the UK to shame.

Touching moments and great public participation this afternoon, in Rome, for the event entitled “Never again another Charlie, Isaiah and Alfie” organized by SteadastOnlus in collaboration with Rede nacional em Defesa da Vida, Human Life International, Fondation Jérôme Lejeune, national association of numerous families anfn, Centro Studi Rosario Livatino, Committee “Defend Our Sons”, CitizenGO, ProVita Onlus, Committee Article 26, Parents Val di Sieve, Alleanza Cattolica and Noi for the Family “
The aim of the event was to ask Italy and Europe to mobilize to promote a more respectful culture towards the lives of the sick , even seriously disabled and the rights of parents compared to a state that wants to replace them.
Emmanuele Di Lio

The first to go on stage was Emmanuele di Leo , president of Steadfast Onlus : “Alfie died and was killed by the same law that was to protect him. Yes, because the laws exist to defend the weakest and to allow society to develop justice by protecting the vulnerable and defending their children. Instead we now find ourselves with a northern Europe empty of values ​​and with the advance of a culture of waste , which is increasingly permeating the foundations of our thought. Materialistic and scientific concepts that reduce man to nothing and thus deprive everyone, but the sick in particular, of their dignity. No progress, we are in regression. Here is the invitation I want to make today: give voice to those who have no voice, continue to help these families left alone. We are increasingly organizing and we want to pursue this goal with all possible means. Trying to handle emergencies like those of Charlie, Isaiah and Alfie, but also with preventive actions, spreading a culture that respects the value of life and not for the waste, pressing on politics to create laws to save and not to suppress, so that Politics gives the means to this third sector, which also on the occasion of the story of the little Alfie has shown to have the ability and firm will to offer help and not to step back a step “.

Following was the moment of a letter sent by Massimo Gandolfini , one of the promoters of Family Day , who could not attend the event due to another institutional commitment. To read his words was the same Emmanuele Di Leo. “We are witnessing a tragic acceleration of the anthropological revolution which – in the name of nonexistent and absurd rights (rented uterus, state euthanasia, assisted suicide, the commercialization of children bought in the gametes market, legalization and dissemination of drugs) – is destroying the the very foundations of civil society.In making today the memory of Alfie, Charlie and many other victims of the culture of “waste”, as the Holy Father Francis so effectively defined it, we can not forget the lives cut short at birth, in the maternal womb, whose enormous number (about 6 million) is one of the parameters of greater weight of the demographic winter that invests our beautiful country. The pain, the bitterness, the human bewilderment that the story of little Alfie has provoked in each of us must be a strong incentive not to resign ourselves. On the contrary, I think that the most virtuous way we have to honor these little innocents – victims of the darkness of evil – is to tap into the riches of their sacrifice to find strength and will to serve life, always “.
The speech by magistrate Alfredo Mantovano from the Centro Studi Livatino is significant and at times very hard: “In the last century, England and Europe lived years and decades of torment, of threat, of oppression. When tanks, bombs, walls and barbed wire first crushed our continent under the Nazi swastika, then they subdued the countries of the East under the red flag with the hammer and sickle. For a moment we thought and hoped that totalitarianism had died with the twentieth century. Let’s open our eyes. It is not so. Of course, there are no more lagers and gulags.But there are the ivg departments, there are the clinics of death, there are hospitals that treat the disabled, whether they are children or the elderly, as waste. And as waste they eliminate them, because they represent a weight and a cost. Exactly like the Nazis did. I exaggerate? There is no difference? The differences exist: instead of the uniforms of the SS today there are the gowns of doctors murderers and the robes of those judges who pronounce sentences of death. But the substance is the same – continues Mantovano who invites the public to resist and fight for the cause – We will go to the end, we will fight. We will fight in Italy and in Europe, we will fight in the courtrooms and hospitals, we will fight in universities and schools, against distortions and false teachings, we will fight in the newspapers, on television, on social media, we will break the censorship hood and of disinformation that passes death by therapy, we will fight in the streets and squares, we will fight in seminaries and theological faculties, against the fifth columns that chatter of therapeutic fury and do not know what they are talking about, we will fight wherever there is breath “.

32294096_1747218828658383_58373282772025344_o The leader of Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni was also very applauded: “I share with you the centrality of these debates. As I know, I asked the Italian government, as soon as it became aware of the Alfie case, to treat the child as if he were a citizen of his. When the citizenship was granted to me I felt proud to be Italian, less than being European. It is not my Europe that is a rage on a family that suffers the biggest drama that can happen. For me it is impossible that there is a bureaucrat who can tell you how and if you can cure your child. This battle was fought for our identity, because this is a society that goes all the way contrary to logic, not respect to religion: it is a society in which if you make a natural child and you’re old a court takes away from you but if you’re two men and you are even older and you buy him abroad you can keep him. I remember the case of Eluana Englaro: they told us that no one more than a parent knew how to behave and then I did not understand why if the parent is the most important to disconnect, it is magically no longer when it comes to treating their children “.


Touching the testimony of Chiara Paolini, Emanuele’s mother : “I am the mother of three children, one of whom is suffering from a very serious disability, a mitochondrial disease. A rare disease that made him rename the Italian Charlie.My baby does not walk, does not speak, eats with a gastric nose, they have revived him thousands of times:but he still lives, in spite of this, his life in fullness. Someone would like to ask me how to make a child like that, because we tell the truth, the disease is scary. But the answer is only one: it’s nice, being a sick child’s mother is no different than being a normal child’s mother, the challenge is more difficult but it’s the same beautiful. Our children are not suffering, they are living their lives, maybe a different life compared to other children but not less worthy “.
He spoke about the efforts made in the European Parliament Elisabetta Gardini, of Forza Italia . Gardini reviewed the hectic days linked to the Alfie emergency and merged into a letter signed by representatives of various countries and in a question to the minister for English minors. He mentioned Annah Harent who said “I see change in people, there are people who no longer see life as a gift and therefore, as such, in its non-availability”. Well today – continued the representative of Forza Italia – there are choices that come from above and that do not want the good of man but who see man as something negative, we are different.If we think that the right of a person is to die and not live, a foundation of our society is threatened, which is not only Catholic but has its rootsin the Greek Roman one. Europe has rejected its Christian Greek and Judaic Christian roots, too complicated for those elites who want to impose another idea of ​​man and life, an elite that is closed to life, which always has something deadly to it. , and it is that élite that makes us live in this sense of withdrawal on ourselves, in the private. We must continue to struggle, not to stop, we represent the majority of Italians, those who make children, who slaughter, who pay taxes, who do not want to give Dr. Death’s kit to their children. It is not conceivable that you want to die only because you are over 70, just because you are sick, just because you are not useful. “


Fighting in the forefront for ten years to give dignity to small and less children suffering from rare diseases, the Association Mitocon onlus . For this association, Vice President Paola Desideri took the stage: “These are important moments that must be experienced in the first person. We were born in 2007 thanks to the will of parents and patients suffering from mitochondrial diseases. In Italy there was not a research movement that would support these few yet known diseases. Today, ten years have passed and we are a great association made up of many families, I would say unfortunately, because if we were few, it would have meant that these diseases were not so widespread. Charlie’s case gave us visibility. His parents had contacted us because they had not had any support in England: Charlie was not given the chance to try a baby Jesus therapy that had already been tested on children like him and the results had been surprising . The epilogue unfortunately you all know: in court it was said that this therapy was too experimental and could be harmful. Well, I think every kind of therapy would have been less harmful than death. Therapy was not done, even though Charlie did not die unnecessarily because a window was opened on a world hitherto unknown to most people thanks to him so his life as futile as they called it, has served so much “.


Among the first to deal with the Evans case was the newspaper l’Avvenire , today represented by the director Marco Tarquinio : “Between the national press we have been there only unfortunately for a certain period. I remember the moment when Alfie’s dad went to the Pope and he blessed him and prayed with him. That photo reached all the editors and only then did they realize what was happening. Unfortunately, news is not always taken into consideration when it happens. There has been great indifference in the latter period. We can not be empathic except when we do not see things in their truth. The Alfie case is dotted with images that I see as paradigmatic: the first is the meeting with the Holy Father, the second image was the embrace of a foreign journalist by the father of the child, the third is that of the mother of Alfie cradles her child, when justice and medicine had decided not to play their part. Everyone knows what the embrace of a mother represents to the child when he is most vulnerable. The thing that has positively impressed me is that transversal, political and associationist forces have been united. We are in a complicated time, in which there are not the great masses ready to move but there are many small minorities that will be good to unite to reform the great people pro life, because people want to live not to die “.
The intervention of Alessandro Pagano della Lega is more philosophical. “The process of disintegration of society, of the family, of the culture that constitutes the backbone of the destruction of the deepest and most authentic roots of the human soul, has been described by the Brazilian Catholic thinker and jurist Plinio Correa De Olivera and today appears to have come to the maximum of its paroxysms with the claim to control the life and death realized in the last forty years with the legislations that have liberalized abortion, with the various forms of assisted fertilization and in these hours with euthanasia , term cleverly less and less used in the debate or used in often very different ways “.
Senator Simone Pillon della Lega has urged the squares: “We have to go back to occupying the squares, we found ourselves in front of a leviathan who decided that the child had to die. This story tells us about an anthropology that is coming to us and against which we must decide how to react. Someone is convinced that Christian values ​​can be maintained by removing Christianity but it is not at all like this. The story Alfie is the daughter of a logic: from certain premises can only happen what happened.If we begin to deny the relationship, the family , if we begin to say how it is also said in Italian law, in fictcion, in TV and on the internet that true life is what should be worth living , if we begin to select and put after the words human life of adjectives as worthy, happy or futile , we are combining a disaster because human life is human life and enough, and when we as a society, as a West, we begin to say that there is a quality of life we are saying that only those who are intelligent, rich and healthy young are entitled to live “.

One thought on “Never again Charlie, Isaiah and Alfie.

  1. regarding this :

    “misgendering Susie Green’s child and that I need to attend a taped interview.””

    You need do nothing of the sort. Even if they arrest you which is extremely unlikely you still don’t and indeed shouldn’t tell them anything

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